About Gabriel Vallecillo Márquez
His work expands across many artistic disciplines. He started as a poet then moved onto video-poetry, video-jockey, 3d projection mapping, live cinema, video installation, documentary film and video performance.
Gabriel has published four poetry books and has been included in Latin American anthologies. His video art installations have been featured at Biennials in Ecuador, Panamá, Nicaragua and Honduras. His artworks have also been exhibited in Cuba, Italy, USA and Germany. His 3D projection mapping works have been presented across various European cities, receiving in 2017 the public prize award at Festival Luz y Vanguardias in Salamanca, Spain and most recently participated in the 2019 Festival of Lights of Berlin. His documentary "Liberating a Prison" was selected and produced by Viewfinder Latin America through Al Jazeera America network.
He has worked as a literature and philosophy teacher, cultural promoter, magazine and poetry book editor. Gabriel has a Masters in Humanistic Studies with specialization in Philosophy from Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, where he graduated with honours. Gabriel is currently based in Berlin, former fellow artist in residence at ZK/U (Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik) and part of the “Ecologies of Protest” studio & research program Insurgencias 2019 from Agora Collective.